Artificial Intelligence in Public Equity Markets

Artificial intelligence technology is used to analyze and forecast the stock market, seeking the nonlinear relationship between the stock market data and providing the corresponding basis for the investors to invest in the stock market.

What is artificial intelligence in stock markets?

When it comes to algorithmic trading, large numbers of orders are executed within seconds adding quantity to the market. High-Frequency Trading (HFT) of this kind happens in a split second and simply cannot be done by humans alone, which is why algorithms are needed to execute and place bids before the market changes.

Automation simplifies the entire process with AI and machine learning, adding an extra smart touch. ML computer systems are primarily trained to recognize market movements with impressive accuracy, helping algorithms bid accordingly. By accessing and understanding large data sets, ML systems can predict future outcomes, enhance trading strategies and adjust portfolios accordingly.

Thus AI-enhanced algorithmic trading helps improve performance and meet the requirements of target clients, including hedge funds, private trading houses, corporations, bank trading desks, and the next generation of marketing makers.

What TRAI is doing is a qualitative leap in the level of progress in the markets. The next generation of investors are seeing the future and anticipating the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. TRAI offers the most advanced and beneficial model for investors to reach the financial markets to a level not seen before in achieving profitability based on the benefit of all investors and listed companies through the artificial intelligence package. 

What is the philosophy of the green zone for the financial market within TRAI?

  1. At TRAI, we seek to reveal the extent of the impact of our trading in breaking the risk barrier by measuring the average risk in regular times and then measuring it again after entering the liquidity of the TRAI portfolio.

  2. We seek to create a concept of sustainability for emerging markets and be part of the system to reduce their risks while increasing profitability by managing our liquidity to achieve the interests of all market parties.

  3. We promise to enhance the stability of the financial markets and to achieve optimal growth for each part of the market through the deliberate trading of the TRAI systems.

  4. As the promise of artificial intelligence systems within TRAI to investors to achieve unconventional profits within the markets while maintaining the most stringent concepts of risk.